Introduction - The Benefits of Timberframe

A favourite for hundreds of years: Timber frame has been around successfully for hundreds of years, while so-called 'traditional construction' (brick and block or block and block) has only been in widespread use since the 1930's. As insulation standards become higher and more difficult to achieve, timber frame has grown in popularity as a viable alternative. In terms of strength and durability, timber frame is the most tried and tested form of construction in the world.

The world's most popular building technique: The idea of building a timber frame house may be new to most Irish people, but it is actually the world's most popular building technique. In the USA for example, over 90% of houses are built from timber. 80% of homes in Sweden are timber frame, 48% in Scotland, and 20% in the UK.

Speed of Construction: The speed with which IJM TimberFrame homes can be erected is a major consideration for the self-builder. Even a complete amateur can have a weatherproof shell in a maximum of two weeks.


Less construction defects: The IJM TimberFrame design and manufacturing process is concentrated in a controlled factory environment prior to construction. The chance of construction defects is much lower than on-site manufacture and construction, as used in alternative processes.

Dust free environment: IJM TimberFrame construction methods create a dust free environment, which is especially beneficial to families with asthma related illnesses.

25% reduction in fuel costs: Wood is a highly effective insulating material, and the average fuel maintenance cost of a timber frame home is approximately 40% less than for masonry buildings.

Energy conservation: Conventional building materials have high impact on the environment. In the construction of a concrete building, for example, over 75% of the total energy expended is used in the manufacture of construction materials. We give top priority to efficient energy conservation, and our attic and wall insulations, floor insulation and double-glazing are all designed to conserve energy.

EcoWarm - superb thermal and sound insulation: IJM's unique EcoWarm system provides for the best thermal and sound insulation available. Wall insulations of 150ml rock wool and roof insulations of 400ml produce the lowest possible U value.

Ecologically-friendly: The rock wool and fibre glass used as insulation material do not emit HFCs or CPCs, and are manufactured in a process that uses up to eight times less embodied energy than alternative insulation materials. In addition, all timber pre-treatments used in IJM constructions are based on Boron, a preservative that has no negative effect on the environment and is not susceptible to fire.

Sustainable managed forests: IJM Timber Frame is committed to the maintenance of forest resources. By using only timber that originates from sustainable and correctly managed forests, we contribute to the stewardship of forest ecosystems that maintain their biodiversity, regeneration capacity and vitality.

Reliable quality: As part of IJM's overall quality philosophy, all structural timber is subjected to a rigorous mechanical stress graded to BS 5268. According to the NHBC (National Housing Building Council) in the UK, and Homebond in Ireland, which inspects and insures many thousands of timber frame homes every year, that timber frame houses perform better than masonry homes, as more of the dwelling is made under closely controlled factory conditions.

Lower maintenance: There is lower maintenance on a timber frame home in the first year after construction. This is the experience of volume builders who report a 75% saving on call-back costs after switching to timber frame.

No drying out period required: Timber frame is essentially a 'dry' form of construction which avoids the long drying out period associated with 'wet' construction. A standard masonry construction needs up to 1500 gallons of water to evaporate before it is dry.

Acoustics: Timber frame party walls are better at providing acoustic reduction than masonry walls. And since the lower the decibels (dB) which measure sound values, the higher the level of sound insulation IJM TimberFrame reduces dB values to improve domestic comfort.




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